Any amount helps us to help others.
Please be generous. Every donation helps a young person’s education. Press the “Donate” button now!
You will be redirected to our 'Give a little' page and from there you can donate to us.
Donation via Givealittle means 100% of your donation will be passed onto the 'Young Neighbours Charitable Trust'. There are no hidden, credit-card or surprise fees.
You can donate using your Visa or MasterCard (debit or credit). Givealittle's payment system is provided by Payment Express, a trusted provider throughout New Zealand.
Recurring Donation?
You can also donate via your personal Givealittle's member account, which can be topped up using credit cards, or through a bank transfer.
You can setup a recurring donation which will be automatically processed if there is enough credit in your personal Givealittle member account.